Einmal in der Woche gibt’s with Maybrit Illner a Politalk in ZDF. You can talk about a “Theme of the Week” with our guests. Darum is hot.

Maybrit Illner heute: Once in the Woche führt Maybrit Illner in the ZDF through his political conversation. With guests and society, politics and economics, the Journalist discusses the “Theme of the Week” live in Berlin.

At Maybrit Illner, the ZDF will be discussed in a theme of the week at 10:30 PM. It is a matter of Maybrit Illner with his guests in this Frage: “Krieg, Inflation, Abschwung – Deutschland vor der Wahl” I am Anschluss with Markus Lanz.

Maybrit Illner: Gäste heute am Donnerstag

Die Gäste von Maybrit Illner will be in the ZDF and später in the Mediathek on December 5:

Theme and guests at Maybrit Illner are from ZDF, Stream and Mediathek

It is a fact that Maybrit Illner is in the ZDF in Donnerstagabend:

Stagnation, inflation and employment growth became the new years – employment for VW, among others. “It could be that this is how it turned out and that it happened,” said Robert Habeck about the last years of German Wirtschaftspolitik. Was the Ampel jelly fresh?

Very interesting for this:

Maybrit Ilner

ZDF-Talk am Donnerstag
Theme and guests are provided by Maybrit Illner

And if the Wahl is lifted, a new direction with Donald Trump will emerge. Was the comeback for Germany, for Ukraine and for the German Wirtschaft? What answers do the Vizekanzler and the green Candidate candidate have?

At Maybrit Illner, Vizekanzler and Federal Minister Robert Habeck (B’90/Die Grünen), IW director Michael Hüther, the politician Nicole Deitelhoff and the Wirtschaftshistoriker Adame Tooze debate.

Would you like to watch Maybrit Illner on TV and stream it in the media library?

On October 14, 1999, the Erfolgsformat started a broadcast title “Berlin Mitte”. It will take more than 17 years to send the name of the moderator. “maybrit illner” will appear in ZDF at 10:15 PM and will be livestreamed in the media library. The shipping will then take place at night (around 2 hours) before delivery in the Mediathek.

Maybrit Illner in Porträt: This is the best TV Talkerin

Maybrit Illner is one of the bekanntests of moderators in Germany and how the prices and the Auszeichnungen are there. The pendant in the ARD was made by Sandra Maischberger. Illner started his professional career in the 1980s as a journalist and editor for the print and radio media in East Germany. After the Wiedervereinigung Deutschlands wechselte to be fernsehen and work zunächst for the ZDF-Magazin “ML Mona Lisa”. 1999 was the moderator of the ZDF broadcast “Berlin Mitte”, which civilizes its political themes.

As a moderator, I am involved with the more successful journalists in various social projects and the background of more organizations established for child and youth law. Since 2003, Maybrit Illner has been a Botschafterin für das Deutsche Rote Kreuz (DRK).

Maybrit Illner has been working with the former Telekom chief and current Warburg-Pincus manager René Obermann since 2010.

More Auszeichnungen for Maybrit Illner

I have been on the journalistic Laufbahn that brought Maybrit some kind of prize with the house. Here is a vom ZDF-veröffentlichte list met Auszeichnungen.

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